Sunday, June 7, 2020

Writing a Good Conclusion in Essays

Writing a Good Conclusion in EssaysIn order to write a good conclusion, the essay must always work towards its objective and make sure that it does not leave any questions unanswered. This will make the essay better in the eyes of the reader and this will help the reader to have a good overall experience from reading the essay.The first thing that the writer must remember when writing a conclusion is to be clear about what the end is all about. The conclusion must have a clear beginning and a clear ending and this makes it easy for the reader to understand. So, it is important that the writer can make this clear to the reader.There are different levels that an essay can be written at. For example, there is the start which is when the introductory part is done; then there is the middle which is where the main argument starts and ends; then there is the conclusion which is the last part which talks about the point. Now, if the essay is to end on a positive note then the writer should c ome up with a question, and also they should consider the other person's answer before they conclude the essay.The writer must consider the tone that the start and the conclusion are written in. There is a great similarity between the two, since both are going to offer a positive view to the reader. Therefore, the writer must be careful about coming up with the right tone. They should know that a good tone is one that is relaxing to the listener and at the same time warm to the reader.Another way that the writer can come up with a good conclusion is by looking at the author of the essay and the kind of topic, the conclusion is going to be on. If the conclusion is on a point of debate and on a topic that is controversial and on a topic that the author of the essay disagrees on then the writer should come up with a well-written conclusion that will not make the reader feel uneasy when they read the essay.The conclusion must be able to make the reader get excited about the topic and in turn, this will make the reader want to know more about the topic and this is how the conclusion will turn out to be a very good piece of writing. If the conclusion of the essay is not well written then the reader will not feel satisfied and this will not lead to a good ending.The writer should also be able to work out a good ending for the conclusion. In fact, the conclusion must be able to work with the theme of the essay and this means that the conclusion must work in harmony with the kind of essay that the writer has done.Finally, the conclusion must be in line with the theme that is presented in the whole body of the essay. This is because the ending will be the first thing that the reader will see and this means that the writer must be careful to make sure that the conclusion works in sync with the theme of the whole body of the essay.

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